A Much Awaited Flight Franchise, Has LandeD

Do we have flights from Davao City to Singapore?

Some relatives ask me whenever the're having their vacation here in Davao. I say yes, of course we already have SilkAir to do that. And they would reply, but they're so expensive, even though they have sale seats it is still too expensive. 

Expensive is what haunted the vacation goers since Silk Air opened, wanting to visit Singapore flying from Davao City.

So what now? Starting in November, Tiger Airways has opened new gates to Singapore through Davao City(yaaay). They will be flying 3 times a week, and of course as far as vacation goers hears of Tiger Air, "CHEAP SEATS" (more yaaay!) 

Tiger Airways have seen the potential in flying from Davao to Singapore as a big investment. It has been long running of rumors of Davao City trying to connect to Singapore through added flights in a week.

Not only will this satisfy Vacationist but will also be an added stepping stone of the future developments of our beloved City. 

Though this act Business Ventures and most of all the Information Technology Investors are longing to tackle new heights in Davao City. 

I can't wait for November.