Lets Restart Again.

To restart I'm just gonna bring up a few links and topics.

Davao City, a place where people love and hate. Loved because of its beauty and surrounding nature not to mention the booming economy rising. Hated by criminals who just wants to vandalize the city with their revolting schemes and unprofessional value to the stakes. Many wonder what Davao would be like years from now, will a Duterte continue the legacy of our famous Mayor and Father of the City, Hon. Rodrigo Duterte. The residents of Davao counts the city as safe despite the wars surrounding it, flourished and firm fated city on Philippine Promised Land. 

 <a href="http://www.sunstar.com.ph/davao/local-news/2015/05/20/duterte-calls-international-hr-group-hypocrite-408549">DUTERTE ON INTERNATION HUMAN RIGHTS</a>